


Rugby rules: kick-off game or score, according to the rules out the first ball. Rugby kick-off provisions for: the beginning of each half, kick-off by members of the center line in the mid-point play for a set; scoring side, the other from the center line in the mid-point or point in the rear for the drop-kick. The kick-off party members must stand behind the ball, the other team members must stand on the side of the half-court Vermicelli 10, kicked the ball across to the other side of the Vermicelli 10. American football kick-off provisions for: the beginning of each section or after scoring from kick-off party at the venue side of the mid-point of 32 meters on the kick-off. Can be fixed or kicked off the kick.Refers to the offside player can not participate in the race and easily foul on the location. Rugby race determining the offside rule is: the general state of the game, the offensive players without the ball or the ball in play is in front of the offside; grams in the Division column, to take Seoul, as well as for Luck When the ball side, if players stay or move to a specific time in front of the offside line is offside, the other to award a penalty kick. American football game to determine the offside rule is: every time against attack, when the ball on the ground, as long as any player crossing the line of scrimmage, which is offside; kick free kick, with the team over the prescribed limit for offside line, sentence Team fouls back 1Scoring team in scoring each other in the region to touch the ball, or when the team shot the ball from the goal frame above the crossbar and between the goal posts through which the two scores. Rugby scores in the form of: holding a touchdown 5 minutes, known as touchdowns. Touchdowns, also scoring team in touchdowns through the goal line with the imaginary vertical line is scheduled to play one shot, shot a 2; as a result of foul side won the penalty kick shot in the game, as well as ongoing drop-kick shot , Shot a 3. American football scores in the form of: holding a touchdown touchdowns 6 points; touchdowns after the scheduled kick shot, shot a 1 minute; hit in the game in a 3; in each other's scores in the region,Penalty kick rugby campaign rules. Refers to the foul occurred after no foul play as a team. Can be any form of play. Tixiang the ball can be in any direction, and then kicked the ball or to get the ball. To the referee also said it would be changed to penalty kicks to attack the door to play. But the goal must be scheduled to kick off or kick in the form. Penalty kick, with the team members must be in the back of the ball, the other team members must back the ball from 10 meters away and parallel to the goal line or goal line.英式橄榄球比赛规则 : 开球 比赛开始或得分后,按规则踢出的第一个球。英式橄榄球开球规定为:每半场开始,由开球队员在中线中点处作定踢;一方得分后,由另一方在中线中点处或在该点后方作落踢。开球方的队员必须站在球的后方,对方队员必须站在本方半场的10米线后,所踢出的球要越过对方的10米线。美式橄榄球开球规定为:每节开始或得分后,由开球方在场内本方32米中点上开球。可采用定踢或落踢。同队队员只能站在球的后方,对方队员必须站在离球3.05米远处,所踢出的球必须超过3.05米距离。 越位 指队员处在不可参与比赛而且容易犯规的位置上。英式橄榄球比赛判定越位的规则是:在比赛的一般状态下中,无球的进攻队员处在带球者或踢球者的前方即为越位;在司克栏、冒尔、勒克以及争边球时,队员若逗留或前进到特定的越位线前面时即为越位,判给对方一次罚踢。美式橄榄球比赛判定越位的规则是:每次对阵进攻,当球放在地上时,任何队员只要越过争球线,即为越位;踢任意球时,同队队员超过限制线也为越位,判犯规队后退1.525米。 得分 队员在对方得分区内持球触地,或队员射门时球从球门架横木之上及两球门柱之间穿过即为得分。英式橄榄球得分的形式为:持球触地得5分,称作达阵。达阵后,得分队还可以在通过达阵点与球门线垂直的假想线上定踢射门一次,射中得2分;因一方犯规而获得的罚踢射门以及在比赛进行中的落踢射门,射中得3分。美式橄榄球得分的形式为:持球触地达阵得6分;达阵后定踢射门,射中得1分;比赛进行中射中得3分;在对方得分区内,把对方逼成死球,算作安全得分,得2分。 罚踢 英式橄榄球运动比赛规则。指发生犯规后给予不犯规队的一种踢球。可采用任何一种踢球形式。可将球踢向任何方向,或将球踢出后再去获得球。还可向裁判员表示将罚踢改为攻踢球门。但射门必须采用定踢或落踢的形式。罚踢时,同队队员必须在球的后方,对方队员必须退到离球10米远且平行于球门线的地方或球门线上。