
look through是什么意思

look through是什么意思

look through的意思是旦乎:浏览,温习;看穿,识破;从…中显露。短语:Look right through me 请带橘对我好些 ; 请正视我 ; 注视着我 ; 老师直勾勾的看着我cloudy look-through 云彩花look sb through 看透某人的心look-through 匀度 ; 澈底调查 ; 间断观察 ; 间断观察法look-through earnings 透视盈利And look out through 从窗口向外Look-through Provision 穿透条款look-through approach 透视法look straight through someone 对某人视而不见双语例句:Look through all of your photos and videos. Change or remove anythingthat you think should not be up there. 浏览自己上传的所有照片和视频,模行悉把觉得没必要保留的统统改掉或者删除。Keep a list of potential optimizations that apply to your platform and lookthrough the entire list every time you need to improve the performance ofan application. 您应该保留一个您的平台适用的潜在优化列表,并在每次需要改善应用程序的性能时浏览整个列表。