
the warrior song一类的歌

the warrior song一类的歌

The Warrior Song(战士之歌)The eagle born to those who pledged their lives and sacred honor was smiled upon by God and freed from chains and iron collar. 鹰挣脱枷锁,他的生命和崇高的荣誉注定为神之眷顾。 He is held aloft on unity and by history revered; for preserving peace through strength his wings now reach across two hundred years. 他尊享联邦的拥戴和历史的崇拜拿改薯,他以力量维护和平,他展翅飞过二百年时光。 But for each of those and one year more, God has smiled upon The corps, from the Barbary Coast to the Eastern Sand, by sword, by gun, or by bare hand. 从北非海岸到东沙,神护佑着军团年复一年,剑闪神光,枪燃圣芒,赤手空拳亦有上帝的力量。(以神之刀枪和双手)歼培 So it's been, and shall be weighed: though many are born, few are "made". 神消者圣、强大,天生杀手,魔鬼训练。(就是这样,军团越来越被看重:当然大多数队员是天生杀手,有的是后天锻炼) Faithful Always, the shall remain, dogs to loose when war is waged. 永远忠诚,绝不放弃,战争伊始,狼兵出击 I am a Marine on the beach, I'm a killin' machine, 我是海军陆战队,我是杀人机器 with a need to bleed you when the light goes green, 绿光闪烁之间让你血流如溅 best believe, I'm in a zone to be, from my Yin to my Yang to my YangTze 不要怀疑,这是我的地盘(我的阴阳两界 我的长江流域) put a grin on my chin when you come to me, 当你奔袭而来我得意地微笑 ‘cuz I'll win, I'm a one-of-a-kind and I'll bring death to the place you're about to be: 因为胜利是属于我的,我是一流的杀手,带来死亡 another river of blood runnin' under my feet 大地在我脚下,你将成为另一条奔流的血河 Forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me, you'll never stand alone 历炼之火早已燃起,与我比肩,你将永不孤独 I'm last to leave, but the first to go, Hard Corps is the only way I know. 第一个冲锋,最后一个离去,硬汉团一去无归我知道。 I feed on the fear of the devil inside of the enemy faces in my sights: 吞噬着恐惧,当敌人以魔鬼的面孔进入视线: aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart like arctic ice 用手瞄准,用意志扣动扳机,用冷酷的心杀戮。 I am a Devil-Dog I'm marching on 我是魔兽在前进 I am a warrior and this is my song 我是勇士在歌唱 I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore, 乐战好斗,令敌国焦土一片 wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I'll kill some more 跋涉血海,誓要斩尽杀绝。 bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown, to gasoline 子弹飞啸,电光石火(好像烟头掷入汽油) if death don't bring you fear then death ain't brought by no Marine. 假如死亡不能让你恐惧,那么这死神一定不是海军陆战队带来的。 Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil be 走近噩梦,走近我,掉入魔鬼所在的黑暗。 in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth, 咽喉横亘,利刃如鲨 where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps 地狱火起,天使哭泣 call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag 我的影子将是你的死神,当你被我遇到,呼唤所有的神明吧。 hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one I cast. 希望瞬乎寂灭,死亡的阴影是我的身影 I am a Devil-Dog I'm marching on 我是魔兽在前进 I am a warrior and this is my song 我是勇士在歌唱 Hell has no demon I won't overcome, 地狱无鬼我无胜 I am a warrior and this is my song 我是勇士,勇士在歌唱