
avril lavigne为什么被打

avril lavigne为什么被打

有两种说法,一种是说avril和一中迟碧女子互殴,其男友劝架时被打破头,另旦带一种是说她遭到五人袭击;卖举原因至今不明确。以下是avril的回应:大概翻译如下:I don't fight. I don't believe in it. To clear things up I got attacked by 5 people last night out of nowhere. Not cool. My face is ****ed. 【我不打架。我不相信。昨夜为了解决事情,我被五个人袭击了。不酷,我的脸很糟。】 As in black eye, bloody nose, hair ripped out, scratches, bruises and cuts. So not ok to be abusive to others. Violence is NEVER the answer 【黑的眼,流血的鼻子,凌乱的头发,抓痕,淤青还有割伤。所以一点都不好。暴力从来都不是最佳的方法】