


opposite 英 ['ɒpəzɪt; -sɪt] 美 ['ɑpəzət]adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的n. 对立面;反义词prep. 在…的对面adv. 在对面词组短语:opposite direction相反方向;敌对方向opposite sex异性just the opposite正好相激销反,恰巧相反英文解释及例句:1.PREP If one thing is opposite another, it is on the other side of a space from it. 在…对面例:Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast.吃早餐时,珍妮已坐在她的对面。2.ADV Opposite is also an adverb. 在对面地例:He looked up at the buildings opposite, but could see no open window.他抬头看了看对面那些楼,但看不见一扇开着的窗户。3.ADJ The opposite side or part of something is the side or part that is furthest away from you. 对面的例:...the opposite corner of the room.…房间里的另一个对角。4.ADJ Opposite is used to describe things of the same kind which are completely different in a particular way. For example, north and south are opposite directions, and winning and losing are opposite results in a game. 截然相反的例:All the cars driving in the opposite direction had their headlights on.所有迎面开来的车都开着前灯。5.N-COUNT Theoppositeof someone or something is the person or thing that is most different from them. 正好相反的人或事槐铅段物例:Ritter was a very complex man but Marius was the opposite, a simple farmer.里特是个非常复杂的人,而马里厄斯则恰恰相反,是个单纯的农民。Well, whatever he says you can bet he's thinking the opposite.哦,无论他说什么,铅誉你都能肯定他想的是另外一套。