


1)rather than 和拆芹 other than的区别 rather than是连词,前后两端所连的词性是一致的,通常译为“而不是”或“与其说是……不如说是”,有时可用短语介词instead of替代。例如: He was engaged in writing a letter rather than(= instead of) reading the newspaper. 他那时是在写信而不是看报纸。 John ought to go rather than(= instead of) Jean. 应该去的是约翰,而不是吉恩。 These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这些鞋子谈不上漂亮,但穿起来倒很舒服。 Evans is a historian rather than a writer. 埃文斯与其说是个作家,不如说是个史学家。 2)other than有两种意思:一是用茄余来表示否定意义,即“不同于(= different from),非(= not)";二是用来表示排除意义,即“除了”,相当于except。例如: The truth is quite other than what you think. 事实真相和你们想的完全不一样。 She can hardly be other than grateful. 她除了感激之外还能怎么样呢。 He has visited every country in Asia other than Japan. 除了日本之外,他访问了所有的亚洲国家。3)more than (1) 后接名词或名词从句,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”, =not ony Eg:He is more than a friend of mine.他不只是我的一个朋友。 (2) 后接数字,表示“…..以上,不止…” =over Eg:More than one student was absent. More students than one were absent. 注意谓语单复数 不止一个学生缺席。 (3) more than后接形容词,表示被修饰的形容词的强度,意为“非常,十分” =very Eg:He was more than upset by the accident.他为此事故深感不安。 (4) 后面接副词或分词,表示“简直,十分” Eg:The girl was more than slightly hurt.这女孩儿伤的不轻。 (5) 后接动词,表“绰绰有余,大大地,几乎”。 Eg:It was a moonless night,but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine.晚来无日,旅纳毕但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。