
you and i还是you and me

you and i还是you and me

You and I 和 you and me 都可以,都正确,问题是看用在什么场合。做主语的时候,是you and I。做宾语(宾格)的时候,是you and me。 作主语的时候,的确是有you and I 说法的。We可以包括很多人,但you and I特别强调你和我两个人。 举例: You and I were meant to travel to Europe last year. 你和我两人本来是打算去年要到欧洲旅行橘神的。 (假如讲穗旅话的时候这两人(夫妻或情侣)正在吵架,就不会说we,而是you and I,有暂时划清界线的意思) You and me可以举出的例句多不胜数了。例如 I hope there is nothing wrong between you and me. 我希望你圆族亏我两人什么矛盾也没有吧