
carry on 中文歌词

carry on 中文歌词

Well I woke up to the sound of silence我沉默下来 彷佛这个世界已没了任何声响The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight车辆穿梭著像是刀刃般直来直往And I found you with a bottle of wine我发现了你 带著一瓶酒Your head in the curtains你的头带著布幔And heart like the Fourth of July心情像是七月的第四个昼夜You swore and said你发著誓然後说道We are not我们不会是We are not shining stars我们不会是那闪耀的星星This I know这我都知道I never said we are我也从没说过我们是Though I've never been through hell like that虽然我从没经历过那麼大的困境I've closed enough windows但我将为你关起门窗To know you can never look back好让你知道你再也不能回头看了If you're lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you're sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细迹桐则语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Carry on, carry on坚持下去吧 坚持下去吧So I met up with some friends所以我约了一群朋友At the edge of the night就在夜晚刚来临的时候At a bar off 75我们在七十五号酒吧聚了起来And we talked and talked我们彻夜长谈About how our parents will die说到我们的父母亲都离开了我们之後All our neighbours and wives谈到了我们的邻居和妻子But I like to think但我总想著I can cheat it all或许我能胡言乱语To make up for the times I've been cheated on好补回我轮绝以前被愚弄的时光And it's nice to know我很高兴知道When I was left for dead当我离开这一切 面临死亡I was found and now I don't roam these streets我将被找到 而现在我也不必继续在街头漫游I am not the ghost you want of me我不再是你认为的那个游魂If you're lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you're sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Whoa噢My head is on fire我的脑袋像是烧了起来But my legs are fine但是我的腿却安然无恙After all they are mine总之 这些都是属於我的Lay your clothes down on the floor把你的衣服放到地板上吧Close the door关起门来Hold the phone抓起手机Show me how让我看看你No one's ever gonna stop us now现在再也没有人能阻止我们了Cause we are因为我们就是We are shining stars我们就是闪耀之星We are invincible我们所向无敌We are who we are我们就是我姿棚们自己On our darkest day在我们最黑暗的日子里When we're miles away当我们分隔千哩Sun will come日光将会来临We will find our way home我们将找到回家的路If you're lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you're sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Carry on, carry on坚持下去吧 坚持下去吧