sourAHD:[sour] D.J.[sa&*]K.K.[sa&r]adj.(形容词),sour.est Having a taste characteristic of that produced by acids; sharp, tart, or tangy.酸味的:伏慧具有由酸性物质产生的味道特点的;味道强烈的,酸的或者缺族答味道浓烈的Made acid or rancid by fermentation.使发酸的:通过发酵使酸或腐臭的Having the characteristics of fermentation or rancidity; tasting or smelling of decay.腐酸的:具有发酵或腐败变质的特点;具有腐败的味道或气味的Bad-tempered and morose; peevish:坏脾气的:脾气坏的及孤僻的;易怒的:穗皮
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