
condemn,criticize,blame, scold的区别

condemn,criticize,blame, scold的区别

blame主要指谴责,归咎如be to blame应受谴责The children were not to blame. 孩子们不应受到谴责。 The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。I am to blame.是我不好。scold.责骂, 申斥, 斥责My mother scolded me when I dropped the plates. 我摔了盘子时,我妈妈责备我了。 The employer often scolded his men on the slightest pretence.这个老板常常以一点点借口就责骂他的员工。criticize批评, 责备,分析,评估让岩仔评论…的优点和缺点;分析和评价坦汪His policies were severely criticized. 他的政策受到了严厉批评。 Would you like to read and criticize my new book? 你愿不愿意读一读我的新书并给以评论?condemn1. 责难,责备,谴责[(+as)]We condemn his foolish behavior.我们谴责他的愚蠢行为。2. 宣告...有罪,判...刑[(+to)][O2]The judge condemned the thief to one year of hard labor.法官判这个贼服一年苦役。3. 迫使...处于(不幸的状态);使某人注定要[(+to)][O2]Paralysis of the lower limbs condemned him to a wheelchair.下肢瘫痪使他只好坐轮椅。4. 宣告...不适用(不完善等)[(+as)]The old bridge has been condemned.这座旧桥已被宣告不能使用。5. 宣告(某人)患不治之症6. 宣告枣乎没收,充公