
up and down什么意思

up and down什么意思

up and downna.上上下下;到处;来来去去;升降浮沉来回;来来往往;来来回回腔轮例句1.He looked at me up and down with his eyes wide open.他睁大眼睛上下打量着我。2.She critically stared at me up and down through her glasses.她透过眼镜挑惕地上下打量我。庆派3.Tell the children not to bounce up and down on the bed.告诉孩子们别在床上蹦跳。4.He paced up and down in the drawing room, extremely concerned over the result of the interview.他在客厅里来回踱步,对面试结果极为忧虑。5.He was looking up and down the road as if he were expecting someone.他向大道上张望着,好像在等待着什么人。伍差信