hard-working 吃苦耐劳。
assiduous adj.勤奋的;坚持不懈的;一丝不苟的。
hard-working adj.勤奋努力的。
他聪明有余,刻苦不足。He is quite intelligent but does not work hard enough.
老师表扬她学习刻苦。The teacher commended/praised her for her diligence.
他学习极其刻苦。He is remarkably assiduous at/in his study. / He is exceedingly diligent at his lessons.
这本圈点得启档密密麻麻的参考书是他刻苦学习的最好印证。This thickly dotted reference book best testifies to his hard work in study.
supposed]people admire theirsupposedindustriousness.
刻苦攻读 plug away at one's lessons.
刻苦学习 study hard; study with diligence.
刻苦钻研 study assiduously.