
shape of my heart 歌词什么意思

shape of my heart 歌词什么意思

Shape Of My Heart 心的形状,这个是《这个杀手不太冷》的结尾曲。正手歌曲及中文释义如下:Shape Of My Heart 心的形状不错的电影,不错的歌曲,还知道了梅花怎么说。呵呵!Leon 2008.02He deals the cards as a meditation 他小心翼翼的出牌And those he plays never suspect 从不让人察觉He doesn't play for the money he wins 他谈旁并不为钱而去赢He doesn't play for respect 也不是为对敌人的尊敬He deals the cards to find the answer 他出牌为了寻找一个答案The sacred geometry of chance 那神圣不可侵犯的或然率The hidden law of a probable outcome 那可能结果中的隐藏法则The numbers lead a dance 那组数字的舞蹈I know that the spades are the swords of a solider 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我明白方片在这游戏中意味着金钱But that's not the shape of my heart 但这不是我心的形状He may play the jack of diamonds 他也许会出方片JackHe may lay the queen of spades 他也许会出黑桃皇后He may conceal, a king in his hand 他也可能在手中藏迹侍宽着一张王While the memory of it fades 只在随着记忆慢慢的凋谢I know that the spades are the swords of a solider 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花是战争的武器I know that diamonds mean money for this art 我明白方片在这游戏中意味着金钱That's not the shape of my heart 但这不是我心的形状That's not the shape 这不是那形状The shape of my heart 我心的形状And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你You'd maybe think there's something wrong 你也许会认为一定是哪里出了错I'm not a man of too many faces 我不是一个有姿亮着太多虚伪面孔的男人The mask I wear is one 我的面具只有一个Those who speak know nothing 看啊,那些说什么都不知道的人And find out to their cost正在计较他们的输赢Like whose who curse their luck in too many places久想那些故意说自己运气无处不再的人And those who fear are lost 其实最怕失败I know that the spades are the swords of a solider 我知道黑桃是士兵的利剑-相关链接:http://music.haosou.com/playbox/index.html?t=1429141465519#loaded=true|opener=