


note[英][nəʊt][美][noʊt]n.笔记; 音符; 便笺; 钞票; vt.注意; 记录; 指出; 对…加注释; 例句 1 As I mulled over my missing more than half of each lecture, I suddenly hit upon an idea: Why not leave every other line on my note paper blank? 想着自己有半堂课的笔记记不下来,我突然灵机一动,干嘛不在笔记本上隔行留空呢? 2 It 's important to note that this does not matter if your most likely outcome is a trade sale. 需要指出的一点是,卖出与否并不是最重侍腔逗圆野要的。 3 Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale. 五线谱以C大音阶构成,每一个线和老卖间代表这个音阶的音符。