


一个有心人带了maxman去FDA化验成分。  美国到底有没有maxman,我在网上用英文查过,美国根本就没有什么maxman,而且我发电子邮件给美国FDA,他们回复说在美国没有这种东西,以下是美国来函对此增大产品的评论:MAXMAN does not advertise in US and not known too. I have checked on MAXMANs ingredients and found Androstenedione is one of the ingredient. Androstenedione is a hormone that has been viewed as harmful substance and banned by FDA last year. In fact, potential long-term consequences of the use of Androstenedione products in men would result in decreased testicle size, impotence, and the development of female characteristics such as breast enlargement. It is ILLEGAL to sell any product that contains Androstenedione in US.  文章大意是:MAXMAX没有在美国做过广告而且不为人所知,我们检查了MAXMAN的成分并且发现了其中含有Androstenedione{(甾)烯二酮”(荷尔蒙激素)}雄(甾)烯二酮被视一种有害的荷尔蒙激素并且在去年已经被FDA取缔。实际上,长期服用会有潜在的后遗症,睾丸缩小,xing无能、产生女性化性特征,如乳房扩大等。美国FDA是严禁贩卖任何含有此物质之产品 .  美国真正畅销的是MAXAMAN相差一个字母A,MAXMAN是假药,去百度贴吧里的MAXMAN吧看看,很多人骂的,是假药吃不得