


IDU是IDU(埃迪优)世界设计联盟联合业务中心的简称IDU(埃迪优)世界设计联盟联合业务中心世界设计联盟联合业务中心(IDU埃迪优)是一个全球化设计集团,她是由全球各地各专业的优秀设计大师和设计公司以各自优势技术为资本而共同纯宽成立的世界做纤亮性联营设计集团公司,该集团以IDU埃迪优作为统一的品牌进行全球化运作,并由IDU的联合业务中心对联营设计集团的业务、合同、质量、进度、人员等各方面进行统一的管理和调度。各成员以各自所承担的工作量来分享利益。Joint Business Center of International Design Union (IDU) is a global associated design group, which unites high-end design firms and individual designers in different design fields from all over the world. Taking the respective advantages and technology of the rich design resources as capital, the global associated design group carried on global operation with a unified associated brand image IDU. The Joint Business Center of IDU is responsible for unified management and dispatching in associated design groups’ business, contract, quality, schedule and staff, etc. All the members share the interests in accordance with the different workload.IDU以其海纳百川的国际视野和全球一体化的发展战略,创新地实现了设计行业跨国界联合运营。独创的商业模式使IDU汇聚了更多的世界各地高端设计资源和先进设计理念,能更好地为客户的设计、实施和推广等各竖首环节需求提供更为专业化的一站式服务。Owing to the international perspective and development strategy of global integration, IDU creatively achieved a cross-border joint operation in design industry. The unique business model of IDU brings the international high-end design resources and advanced design concepts together to offer more specialized one-stop service for customers in different phrases: design, implementation and promotion, etc.目前,世界设计联盟联合业务中心旗下拥有16个直属设计团队和遍布五大洲17个国家的40多家国际设计公司与团队,业务涵盖设计前期咨询、规划设计、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计等多个设计领域。Currently, JBCIDU cooperates with more than 40 international design firms from 17 countries, and 16 design teams directly facilitated to IDU, with business ranges cover design pre-stage consultation, planning design, architecture design, landscape design and interior design.世界设计联盟联合业务中心下设“设计、联展、培训、IT、投融资”五大独立事业部,以专业分工和高度协作的精神,紧紧围绕“设计”这一核心工作进行商业运营,五大事业部的分工是:There are five independent divisions under JBCIDU including “design division, associated exhibition division, training division, IT division,and investment and financing division”. In the spirit of specialty division and highly collaboration, five divisions support the core work of “design” and the business operation. The function of the five divisions is:IDU 设计事业部Design DivisionIDU设计事业部聚集了全球规划、建筑、景观、室内等专业领域的精英设计团队,通过专业化、规模化的统一管理,为客户提供从前期项目策划咨询,选配专业设计团队,到设专员监控设计进度和成果审核以及最终落实到位的一站式服务。Cooperating with professional elite design teams in the fields of planning, architecture, landscape and interior from all over the world through professional and scaled management, IDU Design Division provides the one-stop service to customers from pre-project consultation, selecting proper professional design teams, to the control of design progress by appointed person and review of the final works. IDU以其“设计+管理+服务”的模式,融合全球优秀设计师的集体智慧,确保设计作品和市场完美融合,让客户的产品价值得到最大化提升!Based on its mode of “Design + Management + Service”, IDU merges the collective wisdom of the world’s excellent designers, ensuring the perfect integration of the design work and the market, and upgrading the value of products for the customers to a maximum extent!IDU IT事业部IT DivisonIT事业部以专业技术为先导,在整合集团公司信息资源的基础上,充分利用专业资源优势,通过网络运作模式,实现IDU智能管理、虚拟办公等全方位集团信息化操作。让IDU总部与全球各地联营单位沟通效应及时化、品质控管智能化、设计资源共享化。IT Division, based on professional technology, enables IDU to realize comprehensive corporate information construction of intelligent management and virtual office by taking advantage of professional resources and integrated corporate information through online business operation. The unique platform assists IDU headquarter and the associated cooperators from all over the world to realize the timeliness of communication effects, intelligentization of quality control and the sharing of design resources.IDU 联展事业部Associated Exhibition DivisionIDU联展事业部为旗下全球联营设计团队、优秀设计师以及上下游企业打造联合展示与合作平台,传播先进设计理念。IDU Associated Exhibition Division has built a joint exhibition and cooperation platform for the outstanding design talents and associated design cooperators, and for spreading advanced design concepts.IDU 培训事业部Training DivisionIDU培训事业部主要为设计公司、政府部门等提供专业咨询指导与培训服务。IDU Training Division mainly provides professional counseling and guidance as well as training service for the institutions such as the design company and the government department, etc. IDU 房地产投融资咨询IDU Real Estate Investment and Financing Consultation Department房地产投融资咨询部是IDU为帮助客户解决项目资金短缺问题而成立的投资服务机构。IDU Real Estate Investment and Financing Consultation Department is an investment service organization, which aims at resolving project funding shortage problem for the customers.