
walter van ck是什么品牌

walter van ck是什么品牌

walter van ck品牌基或故事walter van ck沃尔特·凡·CK创始人是一名爱鞋子,追求现代时尚的设计师,凭着源源不断的新创意和对鞋子独特的审美,他走出了一条属于自己的风格路线,创立了自己的品牌——walter van ck沃尔特·凡·CK。walter van ck沃尔特·凡·CK的品牌概念与亚洲稳重个性的设计风格结合。是一个集合时尚品牌经典的款式,参照东方男鞋的脚型特点而设计的则稿时尚男鞋品牌——最简洁的就是最时尚的,简洁而不简单。walter van ck沃尔特·凡·CK男鞋追求都市情节,设计师欧亚美把每个季的流行元素汇搏盯伍入到品牌设计中,在强调品牌和品味的基础上,努力使众多细节别具风格、高贵舒适、尽显一个现代都市男士所特有的非凡魅力。walter van ck沃尔特·凡·CK品牌男鞋永远属于那些追逐梦想、勇于探索、为成功而战的男人。The founder of Walter Van CK is a modem designer who is a lover of shoes in pursuit of fashion.He formed a style of his own by virtue of his endless creativity and distinctive aesthetic of shoes,then he created his own brand “Walter Van CK”.The brand concept of Walter Van CK has mingled very well with the moderate and individual design style of Asia.it is a fashionable brand of male shoes that it takes the foot characteristics of Asian men,including all fashionable and classical styles into consideration.Although the most fashionable is often the simplest,it’s sinple but not simple.With the complicated of the society , Walter Van CK has absorbed fashionable elements from those designed by European,Asian and American designers and applied them to its brand design.Based on an emphasis on quality and taste,it has been making every effort to make distinctive,noble and comfortable shoes to express extraordinary charisma of city men.Walter Van CK belongs to the men who are chasing dreams,daring to explore and fighting for success.